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Combo Includes: 24pcs of kitkat chocolates in a basket with Valentines day cushion and 2 dozen local red roses and 2lbs chocolate cake from renown bakery.
$78.00 (USD78)
Love Choc Hamper
$ 59 (USD 59)
Dry Fruit Pot With Shawl
$ 60 (USD 60)
Wedding Wish Combo
$ 70 (USD 70)
Cake Donut Cushion
$ 46 (USD 46)
$ 50 (USD 50)
Ramadan Choc Mug With Flowers
$ 14 (USD 14)
Shirt Card Flowers
$ 45 (USD 45)
Love For Mommy
$ 68 (USD 68)
Bday Teddy Choc Mug And Cake
$ 40 (USD 40)
Eid Mug With Mix Mithai(Small Box)
Ramadan Gift (Dates In A Mug)
Fruits Chocolates And Flowers
$ 36 (USD 36)
New Year Mug With Cake
$ 31 (USD 31)
Ferrero With Dry Fruits
$ 42 (USD 42)
Stole My Heart Combo
$ 27 (USD 27)
Love Mug With Teddy
$ 16 (USD 16)
Love Cushion 1 Dozen Roses
$ 10 (USD 10)
Ramadan Treat (Ifftar Combo)